13th Friedrich World Championship
from 7 to 9 Sept, 2018, in Berlin

The Format

From 7 to 9 September, 2018, the 13th Friedrich World Championship was held in Berlin.

Where? The FWC was played in the "Konfirmandenraum" of the Johannis church community. The St. Johannis church is a wonderful Schinkel & Stüler building, in Alt-Moabit 23-25, 10559 Berlin.

Who? All Friedrich players who wanted to spend one weekend competing for the world championship crown had been invited to participate.

Format. The Championship was played in 2 rounds. In the first round, the qualification round, every participant played 4 games, one in each of the four roles: Frederick, Maria Theresa, Elisabeth, and Madame Pompadour. Players received points for how they did in each game (win or lose). On Sunday evening, the 4 players with the most points competed in the final match for the 13th Friedrich World Championship.

This year, the FWC was played for the first time w/o the East Prussian rule!

Further information about the tournament rules can be found here.

A Prussian stack of 3 generals, surrounded by enemy pieces in Saxony.

The schedule was:
Friday, 7 Sept., 5:00 pm: Start of game No. 1
Saturday, 8 Sept., 10:00 am: Start of game No. 2
Saturday, 8 Sept., 5:00 pm: Start of game No. 3
Sunday, 9 Sept., 10:00 am: Start of game No. 4
Sunday, 9 Sept., 5:30 pm: Start of the FINAL
Sunday, 9. Sept., 11:30 pm: Award Ceremony