Production Problems with the Friedrich & Maria de Luxe boxes

There is some good news! Last week, the boxes for Friedrich and Maria de Luxe were produced. However, it turned out that there is a problem.

As you know, the plan was that Prussian boxes should be dark blue, French boxes red, etc.

And you also know that the boxes are made out of plastic. During production, each box is cut from the pipe (where the melt plastic runs into the mold).

The produceer assured me that the inevitable mark is very small (0.7 mm) and very hard to notice. I relied on this information and gave green light for the production.

But now it turned out that the mark is much bigger (up to 2.2 mm; which is triple the diameter and nine times the area), and the mark is always white. Therefore you will always notice it. It looks like the box has a disease like smallpox. And, to make things look even more worse, the mark is not always on the same position. Sometimes it is left, sometimes right.

Furthermore, some boxes have scratches around the mark, and many have some kind of vertical imprinted stripes at the bottom of the side (but the latter are only visible at a certain angle).

I am currently in discusson with the producer of how to fix this. Making a new mold is not accepted by the producer, however. Therefore, I see only 2 solutions:

1.) Accept it like it is; or
2.) Make all boxes white.

(On a white box, the mark does not jump into your eyes. You still can see it, but only when you look for it.)

From the aesthetical point of view, white boxes feel not so heavy and fit somehow better to the 18th century.

The drawback is that you need longer to set up the game (since sorting of coloured boxes is much faster) and that you need to be more careful when placing the sticker. (This is because an 0.5 mm offset of the dark blue sticker is visible on a white box, while it won't be realized on a dark blue box.)

Below, there are some pictures.

What do you think is the better solution? Coloured boxes or all white boxes?